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design lead & creative director

VR Storytelling

Virtual Reality







Can a city exist forever? Can one guarantee a city to exist forever? What makes a city eternal? These questions led us to develop this project, which deals with the presence of time in urban spaces. The time's layers that built our urban environments need to remain and to be shown. Layers that have been deleted or hidden from the public eye weaken the value of the city. We must restore to the widespread consciousness of what has been passed on the land that the contemporary, ancient, and future cities coexist. This project places time at the forefront. The principles of action stemmed from reality itself, removing elements of high time value from the eye. The value of time is intended to encourage the connection of the heritage, the city's history and its uniqueness. Therefore, regardless of belonging to a particular person or community, we must proudly display what survived in time. We must learn our past to ensure our future. Forgotten remains must be returned to the urban space, thereby enriching the inhabitants' lives with culture, history and technological achievements. The use of visionary, speculative architecture is associated with a constant change of the city that enables it to become eternal. This constant change is in conflict with the difficulties of architecture in reality, which involve processes that take a long time and prevent the city from changing quickly. This pace is made possible by various speculations that build the city parallel to its physical construction. Changing consciousness is one of the first steps and requires a change in the built surrounding. Despite the meaning of the term "vision," which is usually associated with idealistic ideas, devoid of practice and utopian characteristics, it functions as a mental mirror of an idea based on reality. Speculative thought enables a deep insight into the extraordinary perception of the world, which is impossible to meet every day. Only in this way can we view the vision of a corrected space. The effort to present the absence of the planned object in the designated space generates awareness that encourages thought and development to this space. If the "promise" in the vision evokes emotion in us, perhaps it is the same emotion that wants to present fantasy to our reality. ​ The project is guided by searching for a vanished architecture consisting of the simple invention of objects in space, creating a rich and exciting atmosphere. This experience simultaneously evokes a sense of familiarity with innovation and uniqueness—an emotion-provoking experience created by architecture, as it is made by music, literature, and art. The separation between the project and the city above is intended to strengthen the emotional connection to the experience. The person entering the space must leave behind the rationality that characterizes modern life and allow himself to experience, along with the architecture, an uplifting aesthetic, spiritual experience. We believe that architecture should serve as a developing agent for social and cultural ideas that will contribute to society's development and values. Besides, these characteristics connect the story of the city to its image. Cities should be different from each other because they have a different history. The place of architecture to rise up and restore the belonging to the city and its residents. In collaboration with Idan Sidi

Daydream: The Over-Built Jerusalem

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