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design lead & creative director

Restoration Project Proposal







An urban block destined to revive the city centre incorporating a cultural restoration project. Jerusalem's triangle was defined during the British mandate as an updated, lively and European city centre. Accommodating 15 cinemas at the peak, the triangle was a cultural treasure providing an outlet from the mundane life. As part of our restoration laboratory, we decided to intervene among the locals, in between the building's residential floors, injecting solutions. In our project, we invaded an entire block, replacing the middle floor with an intimate cinema experience, resembling a stroll in the museum, entering and exiting, drifting between the movies and the botanical gardens scattered around the 'doughnut'. Our intervention occurs on the roof and in the back courtyard and leads to an entire complex dedicated to the locals, offering a leisure outlet, renovated international style, and urban cultural block. In collaboration with Idan Sidi

Cinema Rakover

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